Monday, September 18, 2006

Pope insults Islam as a violent and evil religion. Muslim extremists call for Pope's assassination. Irony nods approvingly.

Fan of Irony that I am, I feel it necessary to direct your attention toward Muslim response to the Pope's anti-Islamic comments. The Pope quoted a 14th century emperor who called Mohammed "evil and inhuman" and generally denounced Islam as a violent religion. In response, Muslim extremists have called for the Pope's assassination, and protestors have carried placards reading, "Behead Those Who Insult Islam," thereby proving the very point that the Esteemed Pope was trying to make. Hey, to hell with Mohammed and Jesus; I'm worshipping the God of Irony! (For the record, I'm pretty sure He is Jewish.)


Anonymous said...

lupus est homo homini

Matt said...

Latina non peritus

Anonymous said...

horresco referens

Anonymous said...

horresco referens

Anonymous said...

satis eloquentiae, sapientiae parum