Sunday, October 1, 2006

CC-riding at Eastern Market

09302006(002).jpg, originally uploaded by CaseWriter21.

Since I was introduced to it several months ago, Eastern Market has become my favorite Saturday morning destination in DC. There are always fruits and vegetables to sample, paintings and jewelry to admire (and hope to someday have the cash to purchase), and Clinton the Fourth to ride like a wild bull. Clinton (known to his college friends as CC) works at Uncle Brutha's Hot Sauce Emporium -- one of my favorite stores in the World -- and never shies away from providing a wild ride, either through several pepperrific concoctions he doles out from behind the counter, or through piggy-back rides through the Market. Highly recommended.

1 comment:

Cuatro said...

I also love me and can recommend me to anyone who asks for a recommendation! Thanks, Matt!